Tsukiko Studio profili

HipHop Tuga- J-card Design

Hip Hop Tuga is the micro-genre I based this project on. 
Tuga is slang for 'Portuguese'. This is a very unique micro-genre that emerged from Portugal in the 1980's. 
It's influenced by African music reggae, zouk and fado. The first rapper which founded the genre is Mozambican and he was heavily influenced by his roots and this has inspired my ideas for this project.  
The J-Cards were made with the original screen-prints.
The typeface I created for the J-Card design was influenced by street culture and the hip hop scene.
Cultura Tuga is a typeface I created based on Mozambican patterns and azulejos. 
I incorporated decorative patterns inside the letters to represent the early history behind HipHopTuga. 
The specific shade of blue used in the typeface represents azulejos which are Portuguese tiles that are known for telling stories about the history of Portugal, as well as being a very distinctive part of the Portuguese culture.
HipHop Tuga- J-card Design
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HipHop Tuga- J-card Design

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