I loooove popcorn! 🍿
This missy is dedicated to my love for popcorn ---- I even have an email handle named after popcorn!
Cheese + caramel is a no-fail combo. Sour cream should be by itself. I don't like plain or just salt or just butter.
I would eat popcorn everyday if I could.

I got myself a couple of Blythe face plates a few months back and decided I could use it for something prettier than my other cartoonish figures. I was eating popcorn one weekend, like I do every other weekend, and decided to do a popcorn girl in honor of my love for the sublime snack.

Most modifications on the face were done with epoxy clay. The popcorn pieces were made of Milliput, I added a few more out of Sakura white light clay when I ran out of Milliput.

It started like she had a mass of wonky-looking ice cream or an abnormal cream puff on her head. Still good, still food. 

When I started putting the popcorn pieces it looked like a bouquet of tiny closed roses. I then started painting and everything looked like how it should be and I added unpainted white kernels for accent. The back looked quite boring which was resolved with an unexpected mini bunny that matched the white kernels. A pastel lollipop (sans stick) worked perfectly as her mini platform with a peppermint candy as stand, and the final touch is an unpretty popcorn box as her...box.

Follow me on my social media pages for more! 🍿
Available for sale at kilokilogamma.com.

My curated gallery: kilokilogamma.com
See more videos and progress updates on my Instagram and Facebook.
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Short snaps on Tiktok.
Popcorn Missy

Popcorn Missy
