
Design the world's first DNA-based service for healthier shopping choices.
Everyone is genetically unique and our DNA determines what foods are good or bad for us.

DnaNudge has developed a first-of-kind product enabling users to make better, personalised shopping choices. It integrates a rapid, affordable, on-the-spot genetic analysis (NudgeBox) with a product database. This allows a user to scan a barcode with the wristband device (DnaBand) and receive an immediate Green or Red indication as to whether a product is recommended, based on their unique DNA.
DnaBand will become an extension of your body. 

It clearly differs from a large number of wearables in the market. DnaBand boasts with its comfort, utilizing the most precious leathers with an innovative magnetic leather strap that easily adjusts to every wrist size. The polished all-metal capsule finishes the luxury touch, ready to NudgeMatch. Usability of the capsule has been ensured in physical form as well as in digital applications. Using the scanner to read the barcode will give you immediate feedback through indicator light, telling whether the product is suitable for the user. To ensure efficient use, your DNA-based personal product recommendations are stored locally in the small bean-shaped capsule.