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How To Make Your Kids Room A Happy Place

How To Make Your Kids Room A Happy Place
What are wall stickers? Wall stickers are wall decals that can be stuck just about any wall in your home. They're usually made to the size of the wall and will often feature a variety of elements such as trees, animals or even people in order to create a scene or theme in line with your kid's bedroom. This sort of thing is great for helping them bring out their creative side whilst having fun at the same time.

If you'd like wall decals featuring something other than standard wall stickers then why not check out some personalised stickers? These are wall stickers for kids that come complete with their name on them - perfect if you want something truly unique! You can choose from a whole range of colours and designs too which means that you won't struggle to find something your kid likes.

It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to choosing the right wall sticker for your kid's bedroom. There are so many options out there that you might feel overwhelmed, however it doesn't have to be this way! The simplest thing you can do is choose how much money you want to spend on design which should help narrow down your search significantly. You could also look at our pre-made designs which come ready-made so all you need to do is select your favourite one in order to get started. These wall stickers in Australia are one of the kid's favourites in their room because they can decorate it according to their preferred characters or designs. 

The easiest way to get your kid involved when it comes to wall decals is by having them choose their favourite design. They might just surprise you with their ideas, but if not then it's still worth keeping them involved as they'll be more inclined to help tidy up and keep things organized. You don't need to follow trends but if your kid does enjoy Spiderman then why not opt for something along these lines? It's also important to think about what budget you have; do you want to spend lots of money on the design or something more affordable? This will obviously depend on your pocket, but it can also help if your kid doesn't like spending too much time in their room.

By far the most important thing is to ensure that the wall sticker matches the theme of your kid's room; after all, they will hopefully be spending a lot of time there! It's also vital that they love the design too or else it simply won't work. You could even find yourself in a situation where your kid wants you to change the decals every few months - this can make everything much more expensive if you try changing things up constantly. If your kid is at an age where they're still in their teens then chances are that they'll want to be away from Disney or cartoon characters. They might prefer something more adult which you should definitely take into consideration at this point, especially for younger kids will always want cute and colourful things surrounding them!

To transform your kid's bedroom from boring to brilliant is surprisingly easy, all it takes is a bit of creativity, so roll up those sleeves and read on as we take you through some simple steps to making your kid's room anything but drab.

Step 1: Choose a Theme - It all starts with choosing a theme and we're not just talking about using your kid's favourite character here. If you really want to make the space come alive then take inspiration from their favourite film or TV show, styling boards (also known as mood boards) can help you decide on colour schemes, lighting and other features. Even if it might seem like a lot of effort, this will be worthwhile in the long run as they'll see that there's more to decorating than simply placing furniture around the room! For example, you could add little touches such as posters worn by the main characters within movies.

Step 2: Make sure it Fits - A kid's bedroom should always include lots of floor space and plenty of storage space. Whilst this might not be so bad for smaller bedrooms, it could prove a bit of a pain if your kid has a loft room as such spaces are usually limited due to the height of the ceiling (and access!). You could however use this as an advantage as you can make their room seem bigger by adding sky effects with wall stickers that take up the entire ceiling. The small amount of floor space won't even feel like much at all once they see how 'unreal' and fun their new-look loft space is!

Step 3: Bring Out Your Inner kid - If you really want to make any room come alive then you need to think about ways to bring out your inner kid; we're not saying that you have to start playing swingball in the garden or anything, what we are saying is that kids need to feel free and happy. Doing this will help them grow up with a smile on their face and they'll never want to leave their room! One way of doing this is by adding some exciting wall stickers such as fairy lights that really add a new dimension and can fit into most themed spaces.

Step 4: Think about Lighting - Why not go for something more funky than usual when it comes to lighting? Why not try out disco balls hanging from the ceiling? Or even star lights which would look great dancing on the walls of your kid's bedroom. This sort of thing helps add interest and ensures that kids love spending time in their space.

Step 5: Personalised Name Stickers - No matter how hard you try, kids always seem to lose their stuff! So what better way to avoid the stress than by creating wall stickers that feature their name? It's easy to customise wall labels with your kid's name and pretty much anything else you desire. This works well if you want something personal for them - why not take inspiration from somewhere else in the house? For example, you could use one of their drawings or even a photo depicting something they love doing. You can even go so far as using wall decals to create murals on the wall; this is great for bedrooms but it could also work really well in playrooms too! 

Step 6: Personalise Furniture - Finally, you could also choose to have your kid's furniture personalised. For example, if they have a bed with storage underneath then you could add their name or favourite character so that every time they go to the cupboard they'll see something familiar and smile! This works well in most cases but it all depends on what type of style you've gone for in your kid's room. If they're into Disney characters then having a Mickey Mouse chair is going to make the space come alive, whereas if it's a sports-themed room then why not add a football table?

Final Thought - Whilst this may seem like a lot of effort initially, once all the work has been done you can sit back and smile knowing that you've truly transformed their space into something special. It will also help to make it easier for your kid to tidy up too which is great as not only has it helped with keeping them organized, but they'll actually want to keep things clean and tidy!
How To Make Your Kids Room A Happy Place

How To Make Your Kids Room A Happy Place
