Sustainable website for Anorak

Anorak approached NoA Ignite with a request for a website that would highlight their great work and the essence of their creativity and personality. As Anorak is one of Norway’s leading advertising agencies, we decided to focus on their award-winning creativity and copywriting skills. The result is a more sustainable and fun online presence that showcases Anorak’s best work.

Check out their website and remember to press A!🕹

Visual design
Remember the early days of the internet? Dial-up sounds, snake and WordArt? Before TikTok, NFT’s and cookie consents? It was weird and fun. Less corporate and more wild west. Simpler times and more sustainable websites.

With a strong copy focus and use of playful interactions we tried to capture this feeling. Mouse-over interactions hint about the content behind the click. The “random button” at the bottom lets Anorak share their SoMe channels, a cool video or an interesting fun fact. And if you press “A” on your keyboard you might discover a secret.

To clarify Anorak’s offering we decided to showcase fewer projects and highlight their best work. We also created a custom CMS using Sanity, so projects can be exchanged and updated on the fly — making the website more alive and fun to return to. The project pages were simplified with a short intro to each project, but with the focus given to the actual content and result.

Sustainable and accessible
We cut the website’s climate impact in more than half (53%) by using green hosting, mindful use of code and system fonts available across platforms. The use of images is kept to a minimum and videos are hosted off-site, only to load when necessary.

Thanks to the resolution of modern screens we went back to using a serif (Times New Roman) for body text. It is more legible than sans-serifs and as a system font it doesn’t use additional resources. To contrast our use of Times New Roman we applied the timeless and beloved Helvetica for menus, titles and headings. All text was made sure to live up to the WCAG triple-A contrast ratio for maximum legibility
Credits design team:
Design lead - Gabriel Uggla - Noa Ignite
Front-end - Mike Patterson - Noa Ignite
Supervisor: Hans Christian Øren - Noa Ignite

Credits client team:
Creative - Eirik Johansen, Creative - Anorak
Creative - Sollin Sæle, Creative - Anorak
Creative - Sebastian Pandonis, Creative - Anorak
Sustainable website for Anorak