GOLD LEAF Package Design for tea 公視《茶金》X T世家聯名禮盒

in honor of great times that tea is like gold

以手繪方式進行金魚上的視覺創作,柔美與堅毅進,如劇中的女性,青澀、剛毅、堅強。 女人如水,與金魚悠游的形似呼應,力爭上游,全力以赴。 在大時代的洪流中脫胎換骨,透過客庄家庭與女性奮鬥的故事進行視覺化的包裝設計。

The visual design of hand drawn goldfish symbolizes gentleness and perseverance, just like the female characters in the play , who are green but tough and persistent.

The woman is like water, in response to the goldfish swimming against the current and striving for the best.

The visual packaging design presents not only the Hackzhuang women’s struggle and reborn but also the independent appearance and helplessness in the torrent of the great times.

With goldfish as the core, it symbolizes "tea is like gold ", and combines art into the main vision of the packaging.




Worked in Chinese brush and technical pen,the main visual creation blends the goldfish with tea leaves, and makes them dancing together. It is also a symbol of‘’gold and jade’’, which means “auspicious and abundant’’.

Sketch lines flows like water, and water drives the flow of Taiwan's history, symbolizing the beauty and history that just happened.

With the staggered lines as tender as the water but resolute like a pen, it aptly express the history of Taiwan and the tenacity of the women in the play.

Thanks For Watching

Project   Director:吳金融
Product Concept:吳金融 洪晨睿
Design:吳金融 洪晨睿

GOLD LEAF Package Design for tea 公視《茶金》X T世家聯名禮盒

GOLD LEAF Package Design for tea 公視《茶金》X T世家聯名禮盒

老茶匠心,敬每一段惜茶如金的時代 以手繪方式進行金魚上的視覺創作,柔美與堅毅並進,如劇中的女性,青澀、剛毅、堅強。 女人如水,與金魚悠游的形似呼應,力爭上游,全力以赴。 在大時代的洪流中脫胎換骨,透過客庄家庭與女性奮鬥的故事進行視覺化的包裝設計 從產品到視覺,每一步都反映本劇女性獨 Read More
