The goal of this project was to help aid the traffic through RBC Waterpark Place (Queens Quay and Bay) during building renovations. A variety of wayfinding signage was used (such as: directional signs, directory signs, elevator signs, and amenities signs) to achieve this. Other marketing materials (such as: renovating signs, renderings and informational graphics) to help tenants and visitors understand the process and completion of the renovations.
Exterior Hoarding Signage and 3D Lettering
Renovating Message
Information and Renderings Signage + Directory Signage
Directory Signage
Information and Renderings Signage
Information and Renderings and Directional Signage 
Directional Wayfinding
Amenities Signage
Elevator Wayfinding Signage
RBC Waterpark Place Wayfinding

RBC Waterpark Place Wayfinding

The goal of this project was to help aid the traffic through RBC Waterpark Place (Queens Quay and Bay, Toronto) during building renovations.


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