This is a semester four student project for Fall 2021 in the Graphic Design program. This project was done by Team 11 which consists of Janet Bell, Cynthia Lee, Maggie Tsang, Carina Wharton, and Veronica Wu. We were required to create all the aspects of a survival kit from the concept, design, and the marketing.

These are the finalized items and images for the project which had pages and pages of process work to get to the final stages.

The target market for the kit include parents (Ages 20-40), Mothers and fathers with young children (Ages 1-8), family-oriented lifestyle, people interested in hair care or styling kids’ hair, Canadians and Americans (North American Market), and other caregivers (e.g aunts, uncles, grandparents, nannies, friends etc.).
We went through many versions and weeks of revising the packaging design. We also went through many different container concepts before finalizing the concepts shown.
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