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How To Keep Your Wordpress Theme

Guide How To Keep Your Wordpress Theme And Plugin Code Secure
The online world can appear fascinating, but it can also be dangerous. You can never predict how the game will turn against you, even when things are going well. If you own a WordPress website, you are aware of the efforts involved in keeping it safe from hackers. Because hackers continually employ brute force attacks, phishing, malware, and other methods to access various websites. Hackers have found ways to bypass security measures regardless of how frequently developers fix plugin and theme bugs. As a result, it is imperative to act before things worsen.

Here are some tips to keep your WordPress theme and plugin code safe.

1. Choosing Themes & Plugins Wisely

Themes and plugins of WordPress are handled and monitored by different developers, just like apps are. However, some developers do not bother to update their themes and plugins, while others do. Under such circumstances, it is essential to select the best blogger theme and plugin. The developer fixes bugs when he updates these things frequently. Thus, you won't encounter any bugs. Aside from security, regular updates can give you fast loading times, innovative designs, advanced features, and much more.

2.  Validating the entered data

You run the risk of having malicious code injected into your plugin or theme if you use a contact form or any other type of form on your website. In other words, forms on your website should not accept any input without adequate validation. WordPress already comes with this feature, but you may need to customize the code and include data validation to get the best results. You can do this by adding custom input columns. For example, you may want to make certain columns mandatory. Consequently, a comment that includes only an email address but no additional information will not be accepted.

3. Updates of themes and plugins regularly

You need to keep the data at the backend, including plugins, themes, blogs, and other data, for WordPress to provide utmost security. Keep updating your entire website from time to time if you want to keep it intact. An excellent feature of WordPress is that it notifies you when an update is needed. As a precaution, you may also update the essential themes and plugins even if you do not want to upgrade the entire site. As well as strengthening its security, these updates can fix vulnerabilities and bugs. Even some plugins are available that can keep an eye on the updates if you cannot.

4. Uninstalling Unwanted Themes & Plugins

A great deal of variety exists in plugins and themes. The best free ones can be hard to pick, especially since so many are available. Even newbies may face this dilemma. Unwanted and unnecessary themes and plugins pose a security risk. If you deactivate and stop using them, they are worthless to you. It is better to uninstall these unwanted themes and plugins rather than letting hackers ruin your site. You can then store more useful files.

5. Disable the theme and plugin editor

Your responsibility to them will increase if your website has convenient features. Additionally, advanced features increase risk, not decrease it. You can make use of the built-in theme editor in your WordPress dashboard. It may seem easier to tweak and edit the code directly from the dashboard whenever needed, but this can also put your website at risk altogether. Furthermore, if the admin panel shares with others, you will need to be extra alert.


Every day, countless websites are hacked. As a result, you need a robust WordPress security plan to defend your site. You will also need to ensure your theme and plugin codes are safe. Make sure your website is safe from hackers by trying these methods.

How To Keep Your Wordpress Theme

How To Keep Your Wordpress Theme


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