Nicolas Bonnet McNamara's profile

Osteomancers Kit Set Concept

Osteomancers is a concept for an approachable, kid-friendly customizable character creation set. Through the lens of knights, monsters, and fantasy robotics, kids and adults alike can bring their own characters to life by adorning the universal skeleton with custom armor sets that can easily be mixed, matched, and switched around. The starter set illustrated begins the journey with an instruction manual illustrating how to assemble the universal skeleton. 
Images from left to right: 3x scale, fully assemble-able arm model; final armor concept for mascot character; internal skeleton base concept with possible joint allocations
Conceptualization and brainstorming. The design began with a set of inspirations and underwent a series of collaborative and solo brainstorming exercises, until it finally landed...
I took the idea to CAD and began sculpting an arm piece, carefully planning out clearances and tolerances, and moved onto more pieces of the skeleton. 

From left to right: partial body renders, SolidWorks arm model
Prototyping, prototyping...
From left to right: early to later arm prototypes, fit test sheet
Package design (featuring flavor text, story info, and concepts for expansion packs!)
And finally... finished arm assembly! As stated, this is a 3x scale model, fully engineered by me in SolidWorks. Fittings could be improved, and the shoulder ball design could be improved to fit snugly between the two upper arm parts. 
Osteomancers Kit Set Concept

Osteomancers Kit Set Concept
