In 2012, I gave myself a daily challenge to draw a portrait of each and every one of my 'Facebook friends', based on whatever selfies or photos they had posted to their sites. It was a way of keeping busy during a slow period, and I forced myself to use unfamiliar mediums and techniques from my digital toolbox. Some inevitably turned out horrible, others were more successful. I have returned to this challenge from time to time since, as a way of shaking loose the cobwebs of stagnation in my work. 1) Julie, a fellow local musician (2022) - 2) Jim, high school buddy and now a character actor in Los Angeles (2012) - 3) Mike, my father, who passed away in 2014 (2012) - 4) Terri, my wife (2016) - 5) Keenan, my son (2016) - 6) Frances, a member of the local theater community (2012)
Facebook Faces


Facebook Faces


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