Perfil de Beatriz Cruz

The Save the World collection

For one of my Post-Graduation assignments we had to create an illustration based on the concepts of Recycling, Reutilizing and Reducing. This illustration would then have to be able to be printed on a product of our choice using serigraphy.

I opted to create some tote bags based on the concept of Recycling. To me this concept represents transformation, metamorphosis, a cicle. I view Recycling as the act of creating something new from an already existing object.

In my illustration I tried to represent this cycle and it's importance to our planet, as well as our role in it.


First, I experimented with color and line.

Some experiments

Later, I created some mockups from my favourite experiments.


Then, it was time to create the tote bags.

Work Station

Final Product


Because I liked so many of the experiments from the first stage, I wanted to be able to use them in some way. And for that, I created a pack of stickers to accompany the tote bag. Each pack has four stickers and there are 3 color variants.


Thank you!
The Save the World collection


The Save the World collection
