About Nouns

The goal of this project was to become familiar with the possible constraints of a print job, as well the process of hand binding a small book entirely of my own creation. I was first assigned a random noun; tool. From there, I had to create a list/mind map of possible associations with the word tool, and find imagery to compile within my 32 page  booklet. All final images for the booklet had to be 150 dpi with dimensions of 750 x 1050 pixels, converted into greyscale and saved as .tiff for use in InDesign. I then created a letter mark of the letter T for the cover, which I created using a hand carved linoleum block. Before printing, I had to assign a color palette to the book. I was constrained to two page colors and two ink colors for the internal imagery, then a separate page/ink color for the cover. Considering my color palette and specifications, I mapped out my pages in an InDesign file, and printed my booklet using a manual duplex process. I lastly cut and bound the pages and cover for the final booklet using a five hole Pamphlet method. 

Check out my possible image collection on my dropmark.
finished booklet, measuring five by seven inches. 
Mind Mapping
Creating a Lettermark
Original thumbnails for constructing the letter mark, as well as the carving, inking, and finished print. 
Color Exploration
I knew that I wanted to use colors that walked the line between natural and unnatural, as my imagery examined tools that serve humanity, as well as tools that are setting us up for failure (ecologically speaking). I also considered how many different looks I could get from each paper/ink combination. 
The bottom most color expiration on the left is meant to be an example of the magenta ink on the martian green paper. In real life, the product with bright red, as it is printed using CMYK. Here the true color cannot be conveyed as this screen is in RGB. 
Binding process
I used a five hole pamphlet binding for this booklet. Here is the step by step, form measuring, to creating holes, to the completed bind. 
My infold, located between pages sixteen and seventeen.
The pages these images are printed upon alternate green/grey every two pages (one/two are green, three/four are grey, etc)
about nouns
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about nouns

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