These are some logo designs that I worked with in the past week.

This logo is for "Vogue Vixen" a name me and my friends gave to our group when we were in school. Here with the face of the vixen and the tail I have tried to bring out a "V" shape with which I have though of some interesting animations with which I will be working on soon. 

This logo had been created as a part of my project. Me and my friend are doing a project related to a music app thus explains the headphone and some musical notes coming out from it and the name of the project as could be guessed is "Hey You !".

I had to make a logo design for a restaurant and this was one of the sample which did not get selected though I love it. Cause as the base I have used the pattern of a Nanglo which in our tradition could be used as a tray. To give a general view of the logo being for a restaurant there is the knife, spoon and fork placed at the top. Representing a chef we have the chef hat and a moustache. The smokey type image seen around the edges is to represent the steam and smoke coming from the freshly cooked delicious food. 
Logo Designs


Logo Designs
