This collaboration stems from Matisse’s love of paper cutouts. When I contacted Marta, I had already seen her incredible jewelry work at a fair in the beautiful town of Garachico. Months later I contacted Marta to discuss the possibility of a collaboration where the paper would complement her pieces. Both of us were excited about the idea and I started working.

The MALAMATA X ia LLAMOZAS series consists of 3 handmade collages using magazines and paper cutouts. I selected earrings from the VIDA collection which is of course inspired by Matisse. The concept behind the works was to get 3 women who could wear this accessory and thus transform their image into something playful and fun as the pieces inspire. In all of them, I wanted to add movement to the face to eliminate the identity of the woman, and thus make it possible for anyone to identify themselves, and also to play with the idea that with just one accessory we can show a facet of how we are or feel that day.
The earrings are made of colored cardboard to highlight that connection with Matisse’s cutouts, and the backgrounds are circles torn from paper to complement that happy and positive world that the pieces inspire me. All the works include colored dots because I liked the idea of ​​adding an element that would create the illusion that the works are talking to each other.
The series of collages for me came to life when I met Marta. We talked about her career and when we took the photos it was very nice because everything came out very naturally. And so the VIDA collection gave meaning and life to my works. To learn more about the work of Marta Ramos and her precious pieces of handmade jewelry, I invite you to visit

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