Profilo di pubric lab

Neon Aesthetic Company Profile Presentation

Let us introduce you to our presentation template. We provide a variety of presentation styles to meet your specific presentation requirements. This template is suitable for various purposes, including presentations, marketing, company profiles, business plan, and more.

This Product Includes

- PPTX/ PowerPoint
- Keynote file

Product Features

- Free fonts used (not included, download links provided).
- App supported PowerPoint and Keynote
- Photography images not included.
- It consists of 20-page slides.
- Artboard size 1920x1080
- RGB @ 72 DPI
- Mockups are not included.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
by Pubriclab

Visit Pubriclab For More Information.
Neon Aesthetic Company Profile Presentation

Neon Aesthetic Company Profile Presentation
