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Peacemaker Intro

One of my favorite films of last year was The Suicide Squad. A sequel/reboot of the 2016 film but this time being helmed by Guardians Of The Galaxy director James Gunn, the film followed a group comprised of DC's lower tier villains who are sent on a black ops mission. Among all the weird characters in the film from a large talking shark to a man who shoots polka-dots at people was "Peacemaker" played by John Cena. A man who believes in peace at all cost no matter how many men, women and children he has to kill to get it. 

While most of the cast got to develop throughout the film, Cena's Peacemaker didn't really get to grow as much as the other characters. This prompted Gunn to give the character his own shown on HBO Max to develop him further. 

As a big fan of the movie and of Gunn's work in general I LOVE the show and have been tuning into it every week. It's great. But what really had me mesmerized was the show's intro. 
Set to "Do You Really Wanna Taste It?" by Wig Wam, the intro has the entire cast of the show dance in a bombastic musical number all while having the straightest faces possible. 
It's bursting with style, not just with the choreography but with the set design as well. The set uses a pink-purple colored lighting and chrome floors and walls. It feels like something out of an 80's rock music video set. Which was apparently intentional as, according to James Gunn, was intended. While he originally wanted it to look like a Seventies variety show that didn’t work and he got more into the 80's. And according to Gunn that "Just made more sense, because a lot of things about Peacemaker’s personality come from that decade, so the Eighties music video set, like from Kraftwerk, fit a little bit better."

The intro just really makes the show standout visually and just shows how Gunn is a master of his craft when it comes to making sure his comic based productions are has colorful as the material the characters came from. 
Peacemaker Intro

Peacemaker Intro
