Profil Zuzanna MówińskaProfil Dominika Ochocinska

Commune office OUR PLACE

Subject: Architectural and urban project NASZE MIEJSCE
Place: Trąbki Wielkie, Poland
Semester: V
Year: 2022
Type: semester project
Designers | Architects: Zuzanna Mówińska, Dominika Ochocińska 

Trąbki Wielkie is gorgeus village in Poland. The place that connects people is the commune office, located in its central part. Local people come here not only to deal with official matters but also to maintain ties.
The new office building was to combine official and social functions.
The new building has been designed from scratch. Its logic is based on the core, where the economic functions are located (except for the top floor with a glass conference / wedding hall). There is a corridor running around the core which makes it easy to get everywhere. Each floor has a bathroom for the disabled, and on the lowest floor, there is a nursing mother's room.
The office part is readable, repeatable, and simple, unlike the relaxation and restaurant part. The part with the botanical garden and the restaurant is highly geometric and "wild". It is supposed to loosen the atmosphere of offices.
The building was designed in accordance with the principles of sustainable design. It uses the position for natural ventilation. In summer, it is protected against overheating by deciduous trees, in winter it warms up naturally through the garden part. Windows located on opposite walls cause forced air circulation.
The interior of the botanical garden has also been designed, with furniture created by us, which was created so that officials could have a private conversation with applicants.
We also created a poster advertising the town and providing the basis for the idea of our project.
Commune office OUR PLACE