Goal of project 
Design a 'personal food carrier’ using the process of researching, conceptualizing and refining. Concepts  will be developed for multiple user groups and one will be chosen for further development. The groups  include kids, young adults, middle aged adults and the elders.
To find my users, I observed and interviewed to gather information about certain age groups. I researched an elderly man, an adult, a young woman and a child. I studied certain aspects about their eating habits and lunch routines in order to start concepts based off them. 
After observing and interviewing the four age groups, I landed on focusing on the young adult. I observed a young woman eating her lunch outside on a picnic bench and it seemed as if she was on a quick lunch break. She used a very organized method of eating such as Tupperware and reusable utensils. 
When trying to better and refine the Fit Box, I came upon a more friendly shape. These sketches represent the ideation I had for this Personal Lunch Carrier. The optimal view sketch shows the overall form of the product. A water bottle slides in and out of the compact lunch carrier object. This product can carry sandwiches, chips, juice or water, and a snack drawer for easy access. 
This functional view shows the object and how it can be used. By just grabbing the water bottle out either by handle or surface, you can have a quick and easy drink. The top opens and closes with ease as well as sliding out drawers for quick access. 
The contextual view shows the size comparison of the product as well as picturing the piece in its element. By including the sizes of everyday objects that we see normally such as a laptop, it is easy to understand the size and form of the lunch carrier. 
This orthographic view shows size and a simple view of the product. This incases all of the elements of the lunch carrier in a head on view including a front, side and top view. 
The Process 
I went from these sketches to creating a mock up version of what I had on paper. This soon became one of my first tasks working with foam core. I learned a lot from precision to craftsmanship and even measured certain foods that would be inside. Once my mock up had been used enough, I started working on the final prototype. 
The Final Model
Made out of foam core and cut up reused fabric.
This image shows the size comparison beside a human figure around the age and look of my observed user as well as the function and ability to carry around both aspects of the product. 
This image shows the easy accessibility 
This photograph enhances the simple form and idea behind this product but the elements that enhance it from simple to innovative 
User Focus Project

User Focus Project
