Henkilön Francesca Cockcroft profiili

AfrikaBurn - Stop Motion Animation

AfrikaBurn is a community of participants who come together to create art, costumes, performance, theme camps, music, mutant vehicles and much, much more. All of this is created through a volunteer and gifting culture.

What’s making people think that the desert is a sparkle pony only zone? And how do we solve this? Somehow, the absurdist, dusty dwellers have fallen off the cliff of Google Images almost entirely. People think about a music festival, glitter and exclusivity when they think of Burn. But this doesn’t reflect AfrikaBurn as a playful, kind, collaborative and creative movement. Because these imaginary thoughts seem to float around without ever being given a voice, we wanted to chuck some of these concerns into the loudspeaker to create a space for them to be heard. To do this, we came up with the concept “Burn your Concerns”. 

A thread which has been woven into each execution is the notion of collage. AfrikaBurn in itself reflects a collage: it's made up of a mosaic of collaboration. Because of this, collage is at the core of our process. The concept is rooted in inclusivity, participation, sharing and play. 

2021 | 3rd-year project | Teamwork
Stop Motion Animations
Manifesto by Faith Hathron
These (pages, paper, ink-bound trees) have been conjured up out of random kindness. In the marathon of life, loud words tend to make it over the finish line the quickest. Some sounds become heavier than others when boardrooms enter the space. Because of this, we wanted to rid the desert of all boardrooms and present you with a blank canvas.

Walk, run, write, draw and paint your AfrikaBurn in the following pages. This is a safe space where you can shape your own gentle reminder to Burners-to-be that the desert belongs to everyone (and no-one). A tip, a story or a moment is
a gift in this space.
Animated Posters
3D Meet-up Installation
AfrikaBurn - Stop Motion Animation


AfrikaBurn - Stop Motion Animation
