A series of 4 books containing the transcripts from various TED talks about the human brain.
The four talks used were :

Do Schools Kill Creativity? by Sir Kevin Robinson
Brain Magic by Keith Barry
A Look Inside the Brain in Real Time by Christopher deCharms
and A Brain Inside A Supercomputer by Henry Markram

Once all books were completed, they were housed in a box and the whole series was given the name "Complex".
Book 1: A look inside the human brain in real time. Cover spread, featuring an infographic illustration 
of brain activity.
Book 1 details.
Book 2: Brain Magic cover spread. Illustrations are of optical illusions.
Book 2 details.
Book 3: A Brain Inside A Super Computer cover spread.
Book 4: Do Schools Kill Creativity spread.
TED talks

TED talks

A series of 4 books containing the transcripts from various TED talks about the human brain. The four talks used were : Do Schools Kill Creativi Read More


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