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Portfolio - Aleksandra Wlazlo

Aleksandra Wlazlo
A study of a fruit tree over time
The assignment was to show the growth of a peach tree over time. I began the process by sketching two different fruit trees: cherry and peaches. After that I decide to develop the process by painting a lemon and orange branch, which I later proceeded to transfer into digital illustrations in Adobe Illustrator.  The final outcome were the two acrylic paintings, one included a branch of a peach tree right after the fruits began to bloom and the second a close up of the branch over time when the fruits began to darken and ripe. Throughout this assignment I did pencil sketches and used acrylic paints on both paper and canvas, as well as using illustrator to develop digital art.
A study of art through the medium of makeup
The assignment was to express abstract art through the medium of makeup. During the process of creating this type of art I find a lot of inspiration from either colour combinations that are appealing to the eye or aesthetics from shows such as Euphoria. The makeup techniques I usually use are eyeliners and eyeshadows because they enable me to be both expressive and precise.
The study of my culture through a mask
The assignment was to create a mask that express my culture and the way I see it. My inspiration for this project began with looking at masks in different culture, such as Mexican masks as well as the ones in my mine. I found the ritual mask called Kraboszka which was used during a custom called Dziady. I then began to think of patterns and materials I wanted to use to express the modern culture of Poland. I found flowers, patterns, embroidery and colours I associate with my culture that I decided to use in my mask. Throughout the process of creating this mask I used a lot of different materials and techniques, which helped me create a  final outcome that expresses the way I see my culture.
The study of cartoon illustrations
The assignment was to create an illustration inspired by the look of a cartoon. Growing up I watched a lot of cartoons, but the look of a cartoon called Adventure Time inspired me particularly during the process. The simplistic and almost human look of the characters from Adventure Time inspired the look of my Blue Guy character. Throughout the process I used my pencil sketches as well as the Adobe Illustrator program to create the final outcome.
The study of creating a message through poster
The assignment was to create a poster that sends a message as well as shows me as an artists. I wanted to create a poster that represents the want of approval from others and the habit of doubting yourself which most people have but especially young artists. After watching the MasterClass with David Carson, I was inspired by not only his art but also his attuited towards creating art. During the class he mentioned the importance of listening to your intuition and your own opinion. I believe many young artists while creating their own art have a lot of doubts and questions, which I included in the poster. However the questions and doubts can apply to many other people.  I wanted to show that a lot of the time we focus on adoring other people and their opinion without thinking of who we are without the opinion of others. Throughout the process I used acrylic paint on paper, photos of eyes as well as tried different types using the Adobe Illustrator program to create the final outcome.
Portfolio - Aleksandra Wlazlo

Portfolio - Aleksandra Wlazlo
