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Photoshop Daily Creative Challenge 2022 – Sam Peterson, Host/Mentor
Build your Photoshop skills with these challenges | January 31 - February 25
Super Speed Blur – Ted B (Mentor) “WOW, I really like the way you used the neural filter. I would not have thought it would combine well with the Speed Blur, but it does. The filter you selected looks great with the colors in this design. Your fading of the alternate images is well done. Very well done.“
Portrait Lighting Effects – Ted B (Mentor) “Very well done Lighting Effect. The model blends easily into the BG. the tints you added to each side of the face blend nicely into the natural skin tone. in the middle. The tint you added to the clothing adds to the realism. Well done.“
Smoking Text Effects – Ted B (Mentor) “Good work with the Smoking Text. The textured text looks great. The different textures of the smoke look fine. I think the blurring of one side of the image adds to the realism.“
Alien Skin – Ted B (Mentor) “Very nice work on your Alien. Your liquify is well done, especially the eyes. The coloration works well together. The texture you added looks solid, and the fade you created to blend it with the skin tones works nicely.“
(Franck Beaume - Moderator) “Nice shot! I particularly like the fingers distortion and Head liquify! Great work!“
Retouch a Photo – Ted B (Mentor): “You took the retouching to the limit!! It looks gauzy, ephemeral. The skin has an angelic soft vibe. Beautiful interpretation.“

Color a Painting – Ted B (Mentor): “Your monster is terrific. I love the color palette. It looks like you added a halftone texture. Cool idea.“
Retro Comic Graphics – Ted B - (Mentor) “Good work with your Retro design. The variable halftone filters add good interest. The text gradient and the gradient shape fill work well together. Your action lines look great.“
Alien Landscape Composite – Ted B (Mentor) “Very creative efforts.  Adding the Alien to the Alien Landscape is cool.  Your compositing is well done. I would suggest this appears to be more a "nighttime" image.  Im thinking a color overlay would work to take away the bright highlights and would really make the image pop. You might even want to use the coloration from the large planet to color the rest of the design.“
Alien in an alien Landscape – Ted B (Moderator) “Solid tweak with the Alien Landscape. Good work by you.“
Dissolving Portrait – Ted B (Mentor) “The Dissolving portrait is awesome. You handled the particles well, in masking the original image, and in creating the particles. The fade and blur on the particles looks solid.“

