My Escape Room
Escape room game ideas:
◦ For every room the player completes they go to a harder room with better rewards as the game progresses.
◦ They have to collect hidden keys to get to the next room.
◦ They collect items like a lock pic or a password for code for the next room and if they don’t get it they have to go back.
◦ First person game.
◦ There could be a timer and the timer resets when the player goes into the next room and when the timer runs out and the player didn’t get to the next room in time they have to start again.
◦ You could also unlock more time as you go though levels but once you use them you can’t use them again.
◦ There could also be parkour and Bobbie traps to make the game harder, this could be in later levels.
◦ There could be 4 rooms 1 puzzle 1 Bobbie trap 1 parkour and 1 where they have all of these since it will be the last level.
◦ You have to search cupboards and cabinets to find clues.
◦ Inspiration came from the escape room in London but with a video game vibe.
◦ There could be hidden Easter eggs that you can find which can give you more time.
◦ Each room could be a different colour.
◦ Key lock to escape the room could be a brighter colour shade based on the colour of the room.
Escape room game rooms:
The first room will be a falling floor room, where basically the fall will fall if the player steps on the wrong tiles, the pattern of where the player needs to step will be on the sealing. This room will be done by my teammate.

The second room will be a piano room, which the player needs to be pressed in a sequence that opens a painting which will have a key behind it that the player can use to unlock the draw which will have a gem in it to put in a hidden slot which will then open the door which you can escape out of. This room will also be done by my teammate. 

The third room will be a cards room, which is where the player would have to guess the right 2 cards out of 30 and if you match the right 2 cards the mannequin in the room will have a gem stone come out of its heart which is used to open the door. You can also only guess 2 cards at once. This room will also be made by teammate. 

The fourth room will be flashing floors room, which is where there will be tiles on the floor which will flash different colours which the player will have to remember in a specific sequence in order to get the gem stone and put into the hidden slot which will open the door to escape the room. This room will be done by myself.

The fifth room will be laser room, which is where the player will have to skilfully get past the lasers without touching them, if the player does tooth them he will have to start again. For this I will have to add a crouch button so that the player can sneak under the lasers. This room will also be done by myself. 

The sixth room will be a parkour room, which is where the player will have to parkour there way to the other side of the room without falling of the platform, if they do they will die and have to start over. There will also be a collectables you can collect to jump to the next platform if it is to far away, once you have gotten to the platform there will be a chest with a gem stone inside to open the door which will be on a few more platforms away from the chest you got the gem stone from. This room will also be made by myself.

The seventh room will have 6 4 digit codes you will have to remember which will have to be put into the machines which will unlock the final gemstone which the player can put into a hidden slot which will open the final door which when the player does through he will escape meaning they have completed the game. This room will be made by me and my teammate. 

Here is some concept art drawings I have made for our escape room game.
Here is the first level I am going to make, as you can see this is the tile level where you have to memorise the tiles and land on the correct ones for the gemstone to be revealed, then once you have the gemstone you have to find the secret slot to put it in for the door to open to be able to unlock the next level.
The second level I have drawn is the Lasers level where you have to doge over and under the lasers to get the the gemstone, once you have the gemstone you can unlock the door and have access to the next level, as shown in the drawing above.
For the third concept art drawing of our escape room game I have drawn the parkour room where you have to parkour your way to the top to collect the gemstone and then go back to unlock the jump boost to be able to jump to the final platform to be able to unlock the door to get to the final room. If you fall down the game will reset because of the fall damage the player will get.
Escape room game models
Here are my escape room models I made in 3DS Max, the first one being my laser room with a gemstone you need to collect to get to the next levels by dodging the lasers. The second one being my tile room where you have to guess the right tile to stand on otherwise the game will restart, and the final one being my parkour room where the player has to parkour his way to the top collect the gem stone and get to the next set of levels.
Putting my 3D models into unity
As you can see once I imported my 3DS Max files into my game I needed to texture my models and add some functionality to them. For my tile room I added a few textures so it actually looked like a room then I added plane floors, walls and and a celling so that my player has a room to move around in, I did the same thing for my parkour room but just added boxes for the player to stand on to do the parkour.
Coding my game
For the coding of my game I first needed a first person script so I could actually have a movable character, then I added a kill zone for my player so that when my player landed on the area they where not meant to they would respawn at the start of the scene of the game. For example in my tile game if the player lands on the wrong tile they will die and respawn at the start of the scene. Then I added a key script so that when the player collects the gem from the safe the door to get to the next level disappears letting the player know that they can get to the next room.
Escape room game

Escape room game

