My brand is called “Updates and Sports Obsessions.” I decided I wanted to create a platform that is a place where sports fans can go to, not only to receive new news and information, but to also have a platform where you can interact with other sports fans to build new friendships and create a culture around your favorite team.  This is a brand that allows people to share both their love for football as a sport and the players and teams that contribute to their passion for the game. It also allows for disagreements among opposing fans that creates a natural competitive nature and excitement for the games. This is all done on a page that will receive and release direct and indirect information involving sports to all demographics. I am passionate about sports, especially football, and I always have been since I could remember. Growing up I’ve always been an athlete, and through playing so many sports, I found that the sport that I love most is football. I have always been very aware and developed an understanding that not everyone has the privilege or capability to play sports. Therefore, some people found their love through watching and getting involved in the sports culture as a fan.  So, deciding on what I was going to pursue for my brand and the goals I would want to accomplish with it would be a no brainer. Being able to deliver information on everything involving sports to people that are die hard fans sounds exciting and fulfilling to me. The reason I chose football to be my niche is because, I have been an athlete and been playing football my whole life. That is the brand that I have personally developed and have carried for myself in my life, and it is the sport that I know best, and know better than most average people.  While putting in hour upon hour into this craft for so many years, I have built a love and respect for sports and football, so that now, I can confidently use the information and knowledge I’ve built over the course of my whole life to the build a brand that is great and reliable to an audience that is seeking information about this culture and lifestyle.  Over the course of my whole life, I have had many people that have contributed to my abilities and influenced me in my life of sports. Mostly, this influence has been through my coaches and trainers that instilled the sense of respect and awareness that comes with playing and being involved with sports. They taught me that it is not only about the fun and competitive games you play on the court and on the field, but it is more about the special relationships that you build along the way with other people, that result in lifetime friendships and bonds. So, it is my intention that through this brand, I would like to take the experiences that I have been able to go through and the lessons I have learned for myself, and translate that to future athletes, fans, and many other people that come across my brands platform.  My brand is focused on giving people the ability to not only learn new thing about sports and stay updated and the latest events, but to also build connections with other sports fans all around the world, ranging from many different backgrounds and demographics. 

Sports obsessions

Sports obsessions


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