Sorte Online

It was one of the places where I had the greatest creative freedom to test new ideas. (Thank you Eduardo Sales and Bruno Predolin! <3). One of those situations every designer hopes for one day, the famous: 'it's in your hands, go for it!' Always considering the audience and meticulously aligned with the brand's needs.

Foi um ambiente onde desfrutei de uma liberdade criativa sem precedentes para explorar novas ideias. (Um grande obrigado a Eduardo Sales e Bruno Predolin! <3). É o tipo de oportunidade que todo profissional deseja, aquela em que recebe o famoso incentivo: 'É com você, vá em frente!' Sempre priorizando a audiência e alinhado meticulosamente com as necessidades da marca.
Branding (Concept)
Proposal for the renewal of the brand's visual.

Internal Marketing
Illustrations developed for an internal project.
(Coasters / Beer mats)
Social Media
Development of social media posts for special sales campaigns and daily content.
Loteria Brasil, Lottocap, Lotosuper, Doctor Lotto, Arena 22, and Signos are products of Sorte Online.

Development of visual concept for special annual and seasonal campaigns.
All are adapted for other channels: Social Media, CRM, SEO, Landing Pages, and Zanzar.
Landing Pages
Visual concept for special annual and seasonal campaigns.
All are adapted for other channels: Social Media, CRM, SEO, Landing Pages, and Zanzar.
Key-Concept | Doctor Lotto
Development of visual concept for the closing campaign of the Doctor Lotto product.
Also adapted for other channels: Social Media, CRM, SEO, Landing Pages, and Zanzar
Components for videos (video below)
Sorte Online


Sorte Online


Creatieve disciplines