Citilink redesign, Russia's largest electronics marketplace.
Summary: 1 year, UX Lead and Senior Product Designer, 3 Designers + outsourcers (marketing and mailing needs only). 

My responsibilities:
— Design System Owner;
— Design and Development Teams communications;
— Design and Product Managers Team communications and processes;
— Designers hiring.

Team wins:
— Launched a redesign in less than 6 months.

As a UX Lead:
— build a strong and nice relationships with Product team and developers;
— Design System implementation in a huge company: accelerated layout and frontend implementation of design tasks, unification of user scenarios, less stress for developers caused by design tasks (yep, they were stressed as hell);

As a designer:
— Created design of the most important CJM steps: category oage,search widget and result page, filters, menus, product page, cart, and checkout. All mobile version design;
— Created almost every design system component.

Originally I was invited as a UX expert and Product Designer to improve the work of the design studio that represented the new vision of Citilink

The studio presented a new vision of visual style, but UX cases didn't pass test lunches. So, about Citilink's redesign. 
The Previous version was outdated, but customer and user experience was formed so strong and still showed great metrics. It was a huge stress to everyone to change something. 

After several tests lunches on a small percentage of users, we got tons of negative feedback. We have to re-think all solutions of the Design Studio. 
We formed a new team of product managers, analytics, and product designers to improve the work and create a better experience.
Pre-redesign phase and Design System

I already knew the shortest way to get a result — leave all basics as it is, look at main competitor's solutions on market, read tons of user feedback, listen to business owners and test, test and then test again.  

So we took new visual styles, but re-think and redesign all scenarios.

Work was started. But after several releases, I found out a new problem. The front-end team wasn't ready for such a global task. The quality of the layout was not quite accurate and very different depending on the current developer.

The solution was obvious. At the side of the redesign, I got a new additional role — Design System Lead. All typography, sizes, color, components, layout were unified for all supporting screen resolutions. 


It took about 6 months of hard work to get almost everything done.

In the end, we got a fully supported design system, a team of designers, product managers, and front-end developers with common goals and principles.

The new team has shown a great result. Just in 6 months, we got all the main scenarios — Value Streaming Map goals, CJM steps.

Yep, we didn't have time to clear our files, work out the layer names system, etc. But still, we achieved business and user goals and great metrics. 

After 6 months of work, our new design was released for 100% of Citilink's auditory. 
In my own portfolio (desktop, tablet and mobile):
Product Pages
Search Widget
— Search Result and Category Pages
Delivery and Pick-up Scenarios
Mobile Navigation menu​​​​​​​
Typography Unification
Offline Store Search
— UI-kit, components, principles, managing of Design System Team.

And more. Thanks!
Citilink Redesign

Citilink Redesign
