Perfil de Rachel Korinek

Star Patterns and Textures in Food Photography

I love images involving around star-shaped foods and finding ways to incorporate star patterns and textures in food photography.

Cutting watermelon slices with a star cookie cutter, using sliced star fruit in beverages, or cutting out little star shapes in apple slices to top onto a drink. 
I saw a cocktail photo that used Star Fruit and I was hooked! They’re a fun way to jazz up a classic cocktail⁠. 
If you look hard enough you can find star shapes like Star Anise or Maple leaves in everyday textures and ingredients around us.

Have you ever seen star shapes in food? Leave me a comment if you have. I’d love to hear some more ideas on where to find stars in food photography.
Star Patterns and Textures in Food Photography
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Star Patterns and Textures in Food Photography

Incorporating everyday textures and patterns to enhance Food Photography. Images by Rachel Korinek.

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