This country house stands as a place assembled from the pieces of different stories, memories of people and feelings, a place of silence, destination from an overloaded city, attentive and empty, the place to be in the end of time. 
Originally taken from a semi-abandoned condition, packed with dust and trash - became a playground for construction experiments. 
First there was a sauna restoration with fresh walls, new stove and benches. Adjacent to the sauna goes toilet, shower and a pre-bath room with a sink.
Then we decided to double the space,  and the terrace with “крыльцо” were attached to the house, as an extension for «Предбанник» which hosts tea sessions and  collective leasure. 
The second floor of the building is the mansard, a space for meditation, dormitory. Hosting one closet, carpet, futon, the music system and little working desk in front of the bookshelf. 
For a long time the kitchen was missing, as an excuse for the lack of time and possibility was used a simple table, quickly built with Peotr just before one of our workshops hosted in the house, providing guests for at least something. (nothing more permanent, as temporary solutions)
Nevertheless, it turned out that at the beginning of 2020 I inherited a large amount of furniture from my grandmother's family countryhouse, which have been destroyed because someone had to lay a new road.
Got lucky to get from there a Lithuanian kitchen fasades from the 60s. Several dozen different wooden objects moved to my workshop and for more than two years these objects were slowly coming out.
The summer of 2021, final part of construction. With a help of my dearest friends we conclude this project. There was a kitchen, living room, the dining table and the bookshelves, handmade. 
initial conditions, 2007
Endless thanks to : 
Evgeniy Tereshenko, Nikita Sinyavskiy, Sofia Gerich, Alexandra Pramzina, Ivan Vishnevskiy, Gordey Lubinov. 

Photo by  Polina Koloskova

Zvenigorod, Russia
2017 - 2021



