Anita Bangales profil

Alpine and Cross-Country - Two Common Types of Skiing

The managing director of investments and wealth management at Merrill Lynch in Ithaca, New York, Keefe Gorman is an avid skier in his free time and a certified ski instructor at Song Mountain Resort. Keefe Gorman’s skiing skills also secured his membership with the World Pro Ski Tour.

Skiing is a popular winter activity and an Olympic sport with various styles that differ in technique, terrain, and practice. Two of the most popular types of skiing are alpine and cross-country.

Alpine skiing, also called downhill skiing, involves climbing to the top of a mountain or slope, usually via a lift, and gliding down on skis. Alpine skiing is done using two poles and two skis with ski boots for better control.

Cross-country skiing requires locomotion to move. Cross-country skiing equipment includes two long rigid skis attached to the forefoot. Originally used as a form of transportation, cross-country skis are longer, narrower, and lighter than alpine skiing equipment. Techniques used in cross-country skiing include classic and skate.
Alpine and Cross-Country - Two Common Types of Skiing

Alpine and Cross-Country - Two Common Types of Skiing


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