My little girl 
So my little girl loves being around her mom all the time and I have been taking her photos since the day she was born. She is now 5 now and going to be starting grade 1 in the fall. She still to this day loves going out with her mom and lets me take her pictures, and she is actually starting to get into photography as well. So these images are stories of all the fun moments we had together. 
My little girl's name is Hailey, she is my best friend and every day there is always something new and fun things going on with us. As a mother and a photographer I understand the true value of memories and milestones so being able to document everything in my daughters life means more to me than everything else. As a baby my daughter has understood what the camera meant lol and now today she poses for it and says more pictures mommy. 
My little girl loves being outside with me. She loves to go for walks and just loves nature. But as a photographer and a mother I can't go a day without my camera in my hand capturing all of her moments especially the ones outside where she is exploring nature, from the way the grass moves in the wind and the animals that she may encounter along the adventures that we are on.  These moments that I have as a mother to witness the joys and experiences that my little girl goes through is one of the most rewarding things to witness.
My life is to be a mom, it is what I enjoy most. My daughter Hailey is the most rewarding gift I have ever received. Every day I look at my daughter and see a part of me in her. She warms up everyone's heart by just a smile or even a hint of laughter. So having her being with me and wanting me to take more pictures of her while we are out on a walk makes me love being a mom and a photographer more. 

