On this visualization I aimed to give an alternative look to the Superstore classic data. I combined several types of charts and action parameters so the dashboard is as intuitive and immersive as possible to provide compelling insides.
On this project I worked with the client to create a aesthetic dashboard that provide at a glance an overview of its trading performance. We can see the equity performance; P&L timeline; performance by type of trade; Winning/Loss by day of week and session time and Sharpe ratio. The client was very happy with the dashboard layout and distribution along with its prolific design.
On this endeavor I was requested by the client to create a KPIs Dashboard for a Healthcare Provider, the dashboard had to have tabbed options to move from distinct types dashboards such as Summary, Benchmarks, Compensation and Clinic among others. The kind of charts to be used were simple bar charts with reference line and comparison for previous year and YTD data. The dashboard presented quite a challenge and I did it very excited as I learned a couple of things during the making of it. Notice I used green color palette as is proven to easy the persons and since was for a health care provider.

