Title: Desert Arch Landscape
Artist: Joseph Tarrosa
Medium: Clip Studio Paint Pro
Date Created: 21/01/2022

Description: A traveler seeks shelter from an incoming sandstorm.
This artwork was inspired by the works displayed in the National Gallery of Art's exhibition titled: "Clouds, Ice, and Bounty: The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Collection of Seventeenth-Century Dutch and Flemish Paintings".
Title: Fudo Myo-o
Artist: Joseph Tarrosa
Medium: Clip Studio Paint Pro
Date Created: 05/11/2021

Description: A portrait of Fudo Myo-o. Fudo Myoo (the Immovable One) is one of the powerful deities known as the Five Bright Kings in Japanese Buddhism and folk religion.
Art of Joseph Tarrosa

Art of Joseph Tarrosa



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