Perfil de Anastasia Salazar

Casa Hechizos Branding & Web Design

Casa Hechizos — which roughly translates to house of spells — was started with the aim to destigmatize BIPOC healing practices while making them widely accessible to the community. Their spiritual wellness products — such as mists, oils, soaps and incense — are rooted in Santería. While the religion has long been misunderstood and misrepresented in popular media, at its core, it’s centered around honoring earth’s energies, which are personified as deities called orishas. Each orisha has songs, herbs, prayers and foods dedicated to them. Casa Hechizos channels the orishas in their products to shift energetic frequencies for the purpose of healing.

Casa Hechizos came to us pre-launch with the task of shaping their brand identity, messaging, packaging and web design. We started by establishing their logo which features a jícara, a sacred bowl made of the dried calabash fruit. It plays a prominent role in many Santería ceremonies and rituals and is used for everything from collecting herbs during harvest, to making musical instruments. Metaphorically speaking, it represents the womb and pays homage to femme ancestors who have passed down their magic, intuition, spirituality and wisdom to their descendants.

For the brand identity, we wanted a warm, earthy and vibrant feel. They planned to launch with five product lines, each guided with direction from an orisha. This largely influenced the visuals, dictating the icon and illustration subjects, as well as the colors. We heavily implemented a human and personalized quality to the visuals, creating a block print icon style along with packaging design using reusable amber bottles for the mists and oils, and ceremonial fabrics for wrapping soap. For the messaging, we prioritized authenticity in our tone of voice, making sure to always steer clear from a watered-down approach.

The launch of Casa Hechizos received a warm response from the community, including support from music artists Kehlani and SZA. Most importantly, many are learning more about BIPOC healing practices and shifting their perception. 

November 2021
Role: Logo, Brand Identity, Messaging, Web Design, Packaging
Credits: Photography by Rockwell Creative, Illustration by Xhiyo
Casa Hechizos Branding & Web Design


Casa Hechizos Branding & Web Design
