For part 1of line and contour exploration, I decided to do my blind contour of different people, one of my grandmother and my nephew one of my friends and myself, and one of my dog echo. I got really into the whole process and attempted different styles of strokes. I learnt how to study a subject not attempting to draw them in a literal sense but more abstractly which was a good way of understanding shapes. I found it successful when I applied different weights to my lines and I chose to work further with two subjects to give them alternate light sources of shading for task 2. I thought it would be interesting use my brush to give emphasis and contrast in personality within each subject.  During my experimentation of colour for part 3 , I tried to create depth by using distorted lines and interesting combinations of the tri-complimentary colours. I wanted to showcase the simple vectors by creating lines that envelope and repeat around the subject . I used the tools suggested in the tutorial and also tried some image stamping on the sketches. Some of the challenges I encountered during the process was keeping the shape of the subjects intact without making lines that look out of place. I really tried to keep it simple as I initially didn’t want to touch the trace vectors because I thought they looked better without color. Near the end of my process with colour, I found what work best for the sketch was to work around the subject and create as sense of 3D effect to make them pop. I also used a gradient for the distorted lines to achieve this effect.
Reflection notes.
Part 1 More scattered lines work better. Try doing the contour lines faster to see what happens. Better result as a continuous line rather than staggered. 
Part 2 Light source very important to creating depth, Controlled lines work less well than layers of stamping lines. Play with shapes and negative space as it creates more interesting result .
Part 3 Apply weight to lines, as it looks more graphic . Gradient Backround colour helps the subject pop. Work from the outside inwards helps create depth. Effects applied to lines to create various weights. Light Tri complimentary colours work less well. Envelope and distortions , repetition works well for this final drawing. Gradients applied to distortion. Experimentation with 3D effect.
Line and contour

Line and contour


Kreativa områden