Perfil de Mami Sato



A series of 22 posters that introduce the places, landscapes, and specialties that make you want to go around all 21 stations of Joshin Dentetsu, and are being posted in various places. The area along the Joshin Dentetsu line is full of charm, such as the beautiful scenery of the four seasons, the retro cityscape, and the beloved private shops, which are not flashy but move your heart. We take pride in connecting this peaceful and abundant land by rail. Please take a look at the poster, take the booklet in one hand, and take the train to go out. Your normal day turns into a small journey. A booklet (A5 size) containing all the posters (22) in a series is being distributed in various places.I drew a map and a cover illustration.
Art Direction & Design_佐藤正幸 (Maniackers Design)
Photo_木暮伸也 (Lo.cul.p Studio)
Copy_荻原貴男 (REBEL BOOKS)
Illustration_佐藤麻美 (Maniackers Design)
Model_武井仁美 (まちごと屋)
Production_永田啓介 (しののめ信用金庫 / まちのわーくす)
Planning & Editing_まちの編集社
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