Sarath Chandran's profile



India is witnessing a historic united movement of the farmers which is being described as the longest and most
massive of such struggles anywhere in the world in recent times. The struggle against the 2020 farm laws is unp-
aralleled and the sheer scale of the protests is remarkable. The prolonged struggle in bitter cold, heavy rain and
peak summer has led to the matyrdom of more than 600 farmers. A never before kind of solidarity has been crea-
ted among different sections of the working people in India as well as globally.
Admist the pandemic the BJP Government brought three farm laws simultaneously with the labour codes that
snatch away the hard-won rights of the workers. The three laws would lead to dismantling of government regu-
lated Agricultural Produce Markets pushing farmers to the mercy of traders who exploit them, open doors for un-
limited corporate hoarding of essential commodities like foodgrains even when thre is shortage, famine or other
emergencies. It promotes unequal corporate contract farming in which poor farmers will become workers on their
own land with no scope for legal resource even if disputes arise. Literally it will alow corporate profiteering at
the expense of the farmers, agricultural labour and the hungry millions.
The beautiful story of resistance has thrown up powerful images that kindle any photographer’s desire to docu-
ment people’s movement. Tractor trolleys have been turned into homes, camp sites created, massive langars set
up and arrangements made for accessing basic amenities. On 26th January, 2021 millions participated in the Ma
zdoor Kisan Parade across the country. Actions that followed have also been witnessing massive participation.
What started as a farmer’s movement has become a people’s movement with the working class, women, students,
youth and oppressed sections taking active part. I have followed this struggle from its inception an am looking
forwardn to an effective documentation of the st forwardn to an effective documentation of the struggle.





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