Megan Scollo's profile

Self Promotional Concept

It is often suggested that a graphic designer should specialise in one area, for example, web or print design. It is also often thought that a designer should develop their own style. As a young student, having skills in multiple areas is a very attractive asset for potential employers. In modern times, the graphic designer’s role has shifted from simply creating a design to creating systems and strategies using creativity at a larger scale. Technology has put many processes in reach of the graohic designer that traditionally went to technicians. The roll of the designer is much broader now and allows for broad creative thinking.
In this light, I would like to present myself, with a range of skills and highlight my personal work ethic, of wanting to be involved with and have knowledge of, all aspects of my design work- from research to print.
Therefore, a "hand's on" motto will work best to position myself in the industry, and therefore does not narrow or limit my job opportunities, but rather states that I am a graphic designer, who is interested in being involved with many other feilds and aspects of design work.
These thumbnails entail thinking about myself as a young designer, entering the industry and having FRESH new ideas; offering a different perspective to
potential employers...
These thumbnails entail my personal work ethic of "going the extra mile" in completing design work and dealing with clients...
This motto will work best to position myself in the industry, and therefore does not narrow or limit my job opportunities, but rather states that I am a graphic designer, who is interested in being involved with many other feilds and aspects of design work.
In taking this "hands on" motto from a concept into a tangible product, I wanted to have something that is hand made that I am able to give to potential employers that is also neat and conventient to store other items I might need to show them, such as my resume etc. I began brainstorming other areas that I also enjoyed, such as my string art hobby.
This art style is called String art or pin and thread art which is characterized by an arrangement of colored thread strung between points to form abstract geometric patterns or representational designs such as a ship’s sails, sometimes with other artist material comprising the remainder of the work. Thread, wire, or string is wound around a grid of nails hammered into a velvet-covered wooden board. Though straight lines are formed by the string, the slightly different angles and metric positions at which strings intersect may give the appearance of Bézier curves (and often construct actual quadratic Bézier curves). I thought about combining my love of typography with this idea in the form of typographic string art.
To test this idea I began by printing out a word using large block type which i stick to a spare peice of wood i had around the house using tape. then, i hammered in long nails into the wood and threaded string around in a pattern. I then began creating thumbnails for what this type would look like.
I conducted the experiment a second time, instead using an Art Deco font to trace with nails and black strings of varying weights so that I was able to gain a better sense of how the Art Deco period could be translated into the String Art Method.
Self Promotional Buisness Card
Self Promotional Portable Flip-Card Folio
I then began mapping out how my self promotional concept would look in it's entirety...
Self Promotional Concept

Self Promotional Concept

Who am I, as a designer?
