Mark Lukas profili

Starship Morrigan Mission Patch

ICS Morrigan mission patch
ICS Morrigan mission patch - face detail
ICS Morrigan mission patch - planets/wing detail
ICS Morrigan mission patch - face/wing detail
This illustration ties in with my short story “Pandora”. This depicts a mission patch that would adorn the left shoulder of all duty uniforms. This particular patch is for the ICS Morrigan, the ship mentioned in Pandora that the main characters come from. Mission patches have been a tradition in space flight ever since the Gemini 5 flight. In the universe that these characters inhabit, the tradition has continued into the era of interstellar travel and exploration. The “Morrigan” is  a figure from Irish mythology, also known as the “phantom queen”. She is associated with bravery in battle and acts as a guardian for her people. In the role of a warrior, she often appears as a crow. I not only liked the name, as it just sounded like a cool name for a starship, but also the attributes associated with the mythical figure. 

Starship Morrigan Mission Patch
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Starship Morrigan Mission Patch

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