This week on The Brew is the delicious Edmund Fitzgerald porter from Great Lakes Brewery. Definitely one of my new favorites. 

It was actually named after a ship that sank in Lake Superior about 40 years ago. I knew that I wanted to feature the ship in the art so decided to make a tiny balsa wood replica and create a surreal type of scene that spoke to the beer's color as well as it's namesake. 
Thanks to my dude Lucas for the photo help !
Started with a small piece of balsa.. 
Carved it up a bit, adding guitar strings for the ship's pipes.. 
Colored it with some acrylic paint, and voila.. 
I didn't need it to be perfect.. rough would do just perfectly because we're going to put it in a real environment. So we want it to look a little weird and out of place. 

I shot this test shot to see how it would look with a little grainy texture. At this point, I was thinking we would do a ship in the bottle thing, but in the end I decided against it.
Here's our little guy cruising along the foamy porter lake, the final art... 
Edmund Fitzgerald