Pre-Master Project
October 2013 - June 2014
This is a short animated movie, depicting a story of an old man fishing alone in a lake, trying to catch a rare type of fish, that drowns him in a mad pursuit during which the old man encounters past memories that reveal his story. The movie provides a different visual approach of storytelling, by combining events that both happen in a real and a parallel world, supported by visuals that combine analog and digital techniques. 
Visual Style:
This project is an attempt to combine different analog and digital techniques in order to create a new visual style. Different case studies were examined using mixed medias, and the following technique is the result I reached after several trials. I used Charcoal to draw the character and environment (Real World) and drew the memories which were formed in the stars as constellations digitally (Paralell/Dream World)
Final Movie
Making Of the Movie
Movie Poster - Font Design by Michele Chu
Character Sheet:
Different Expressions
Different Expressions_2
Animatics done on Photoshop and timing on Final Cut Pro. The aim is to test the sequence of shots after executing the storyboard and adjusting the timing of each scene.
Drawing different elements seperately with charcoal on paper
Photographing drawings, removing background and compositing scene on photoshop
Drawing different character limbs for animation as well as different perspectives
Compositing on Photoshop after photographing and removing background
Chasing Memories

Chasing Memories

This project is an attempt to combine different analog and digital techniques in order to create a new visual style.

