Profiel van Nehuen Bulian

Don Us Company - Character Design & Motion Graphics

Character Design
Motion Graphics
What you are about to see is some of the best work I’ve done during the time I collaborated with Don Us Company, a donuts store franchise.

On the day of writing, the franchise has over 40 shops in Argentina alone, and has opened several others in countries like Mexico, Uruguay and Dominican Republic.

In this project, I'll walk you through the process of creating the brand's mascot: Donny. Also, you'll see some motion graphics made for the company social media strategy. Enjoy!
Here you can check out the creative process through which I arrived to the final form of Donny, the brand's mascot. It started with simple sketches, inspired in vintage cartoons. 

After several brainstorming sessions and some feedback from the executives, we arrived to the final design for Donny.

Don Us mainly worked its social media strategy through Instagram. My job was to create and animate content to promote new donuts, special dates offers, the opening of stores, or just content creation in general.
Don Us Company®
Motion Graphics & Character Design

Instagram: @sh3rfi
LinkedIn: Nehuen Bulian
Don Us Company - Character Design & Motion Graphics


Don Us Company - Character Design & Motion Graphics
