Visual Identity/ Symbol
The visual is holistic in nature. The visual is made up of 3 
characters- kids playing or working together. Raising hands
is symbolic of freedom, happiness, and openness towards people, and expansion. To put it in simpler words, 
it showcases collaboration. This could also be seen as the outcome of education and its progressive nature. 
The logo has been designed keeping in mind the concept of minimalism. The visual is scalable and can be resized without it losing the quality.

The typeface used for this visual is minuscule. The feel is casual and simple. This particular typeface makes it
readable from any given distance. It is easy and indicates openness.

Colour Scheme
In this visual, two colours have been used- light and dark blue. The ‘e’ has been in light blue to emphasize it standing for ‘electronic’, and to make it stand out. Both the colours compliment each other. Blue, in general, is used because it radiates a positive and trustworthy feel. The colour makes the users feel nice. Not forgetting to mention how blue has an impact on brand and identity, represents the new age.
E Diverse


E Diverse
