During my work I love to take progress pictures as it shows the issues I face and how I overcome them. Here you can see a perfect example of how my work is improved by re going over the same issues. This piece was inspired my a mental health theme in my work. This is my dad and I felt it was extremely important to campfire his strength and on going battle he faces each day. 
These kintsugi pieces have become a main part of my recent work. I love the meaning behind each piece and the strength and symbolism behind the gold. Although this looks like an easy task I faced many obstacles. This included the balancing of the statue and the glue I was using. Here you see an experiment I went through whilst finding the correct method. This is still not perfect but works well at this moment in time. 
These kintsugi pieces are inspired my Yee Sookyung, one of my favourite artists. I admire her creativity. Each piece is a representation of mental health. I’d love to go into much more detail about my pieces as it’s an important passion of mine. 
This is a piece inspired by Cornelia Parker. She is a artist who is new to me. I found a great passion for the exploded shed. Since seeing this I’ve had many ideas that I’d love to make. This is an exploded teapot. Whilst collecting all my pieces I try to keep it environmentally friendly. All ceramic pieces shown in my work are all donated from the local charity shops as they arrive damaged and not fit for selling.  
This vase was for my FMP in the first year. My aim of this piece was to share the reality of bodies and show that each and every one of us is perfect. I feel deeply affected by the lack of normalising stretch marks and body roles and this piece helped me become more confident. This was a long process of practicing and trying new methods. I’d love to do more work like this in the future. 
Textiles has alway been an interest of mine. Whilst studying at Blackburn college my ability’s have been tested. These pieces shows I can pick up new methods effectively. 
Pen art
Experimentation is present throughout my full book. This was a piece that I wasn’t sure the outcome would be.
Jenny saville inspires most of my paintings with her thick layering and sharp changes in tone. 
Still life painting taught me the power of paint and how no two people paint the same. This was a fun activity and I’m very pleased with my outcome. 
 Print making
Dry point etching is a method I learnt during my time in Blackburn college. It’s an effective way of making unique pieces of work that ties all your book together. 
Lino printing is an effective way of creating wonderful pieces. This is something I picked up fast in the first year of college. 



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