the portfolio of:

My current portfolio (below) is comprised of work from the previous three years. This is a sampling of what I consider to be my best work, and contains design, photos, and everything in between. 

I really enjoy designing. I love the creative process and what it offers me. I constantly see designs in everyday life — things I think would create great shots, or things that inspire me to design. Below is a reaction to my environment, if you will.
A project for my typography class at Chico State University. We were asked to create glyphs for the hypothetical single-digit numbers 10 and 11.
A class project for my print production class — to design a book jacket, minus the inside flaps.
A poster advertising a meeting for the design group of which I am vice president. DIP, or Designers in Progress, meets bimonthly.
A website I designed as an intern with the Glass Agency, an award winning Sacramento design firm. This was part of a sweepstakes prize contest. The only thing I didn't design was the type for the headers and body text. Everything else was mine.
The main logo design used for the contest, that I designed.
A class project for our beginning graphic design course, Visual Communication Concepts. We were given a paragraph and were told to illustrate it using type. 
A logo designed to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Amtrak California's Pacific Surfliner. This was another project developed while I was an intern at the Glass Agency — and this logo got picked. Of course, it got tweaked a little bit, but what are creative directors for?
Another project for Visual Communications Concepts — for a hypothetical coffee festival occurring in Los Gatos.
A project for Visual Information Design, designed to compare the amount of food we throw away versus how much we donate worldwide. The juxtaposition is stunning.
Iterations of a logo design for a Sacramento-based laundromat, called Green Star, as you can tell. This was a creative process with a real client, and we produced something very useful to him and his company.
My high school English professor asked me to design a poster for his class that would teach the students clausal patterns in the classroom without getting too boring. So I whipped up this.
Big Sky Bidwell
This is a stitched photo of 10 shots taken in Upper Bidwell park, Chico.
Kentucky Bricks
Shot in Louisville, KY for a class project about taking 1100 photos in 11 days.
Somewhere Over ...
En route to Minneapolis.
Taken at Chico's Genetic Resource and Conservation center, who breed trees for safekeeping in the case of an ecological disaster.
Morro Bay, CA. Taken on a day spent with my grandmother, months before she passed away.


My professional, student, and personal portfolio.
