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奈雪的茶 x AKI JIANG CUP美术馆艺术家联名跨年杯

奈雪的茶CUP美术馆 x 艺术家AKI JIANG 



在2021年跨年期间,合作国内插画艺术家AKI JIANG,用强烈的个人插画特色在茶饮杯包装上呈现“跨年插画展”。此系列插画主题为“跨出束缚做更好的你”这一主题,关注当下年轻人最渴望打破的现状。

饮品杯上的6款作品既有“跨出拖延症”,让生活多一些从容;“跨出焦虑症”,在节奏飞快的世界用心感受美好;“跨出社交恐惧”,主动伸出手迎接善意;也有“跨出网络朋友圈”,在生活中收获朋友真实的拥抱;“跨出标签束缚”,敢于做自己;以及“跨出区别对待”,摘掉有色眼镜,让世界让一些包容和理解。插画师AKI JIANG用6款线条简洁、色彩明亮的艺术作品与年轻人对话,用一杯茶饮为媒介,用插画的力量去传播美好治愈人心,也让奈雪的茶在产品之外延续品牌生命力。

Nayuki Cup Art Museum X AKI JIANG  Artist co-branded illustration packaging cups

Nayuki CUP Museum presents different themed art exhibitions in collaboration with artists, and through the simultaneous release of new limited edition collaborative packaging in stores nationwide during this theme period, art is integrated into the daily life of every city, making art more popular and making  Nayuki's users collectors.

During the New Year period in 2021, we collaborated with domestic illustration artist AKI JIANG to present a "New Year's illustration exhibition" on the packaging of tea cups with strong personal illustration characteristics. The theme of this series of illustrations is "step out of the box and be a better you", focusing on the current status quo that young people are most eager to break.

The six works on the drinking cups include "Step out of procrastination", let life be more relaxed; "Step out of anxiety", feel good in a fast-paced world; "Step out of social fear "We can also "step out of the circle of online friends" to get real hugs from friends in life; "step out of the shackles of labels" to dare to be ourselves; and "step out of The illustrator AKI JIANG uses a series of illustrations to illustrate the theme of "the world is different". Illustrator AKI JIANG used six simple lines and bright colors of artworks to dialogue with young people, using a cup of tea as a medium, using the power of illustration to spread beauty and heal the heart, but also let  Nayuki tea in addition to the product to continue the vitality of the brand.

C- 奈雪的茶NAYUKI 
PD- 张大大(Zhang Dada)
D- 奈雪的茶品牌营销中心
奈雪的茶 x AKI JIANG CUP美术馆艺术家联名跨年杯


奈雪的茶 x AKI JIANG CUP美术馆艺术家联名跨年杯
