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Berry College Trivia Game

There currently are not any Berry College-themed trivia games, so I decided to make my own. This 2-4 player game combines the features of a board game and a trivia card game. There are two different cards involved in this game: regular trivia cards and the deer challenge cards. Each player must answer a trivia card before rolling the dice. An example of a trivia question would be "what was the original name of Berry College?". If they answer the question correctly, then they may roll the dice and move. If a player lands on a space with a deer on it, then they must pick up the deer challenge card and complete it. An example of one of the deer cards is "Say what your favorite Mountain Day Weekend memory is". Once they finish the challenge, then they roll the dice again. The first person to make it back home wins. I love trivia games, and I have been on interested in Berry's history for years, so I loved being able to combine the two.
After measuring the size of the cards I wanted to make, I designed a card-holder in Fusion 360. I exported the file and printed it with a 3D printer. I then designed the board in Fusion 360. I uploaded the file to a laser cutter and etched the design on a thin piece of wood. The trivia cards were made in Microsoft Word (60 total) and printed, and the instructions sheet was made in Canva. The game pieces (player pieces and dice) were collected from a previously owned board game to make the set complete.
Berry College Trivia Game

Berry College Trivia Game
