My idea is to have a person jumping over a hurdle, and the background is moving quickly in the background. But to add to it, I will add a blur that follows the arms and legs when they move to add dramatic effect to the animation. The person will be given the effect of motion while I use frame by frame animation, and put a classic tween between keyframes to give the character a smoother movement. I chose this because it is just basic tweening, but I just incorporated a motion blur to add effect, this would also be doable in the amount of time given. My animation will end with the runner finally hitting the ground. 
a person is jumping over a hurdle
a looping background will be included
basic shadows 
(pages 101-102)
P R A C T I C E   S K E T C H E S
F I N A L   A N I M A T I O N 
S T E P  by  S T E P   T U T O R I A L 
I n t e n t
In this tutorial, the intent is to teach you how to create, and animate a character jumping over a hurdle, it will also have a motion blur to create a dramatic effect and give the illusion that the character is moving at a very fast pace. The character is created with basic shapes, pen tool, and the paint tool to fill in spaces. It is a basic tweening animation with just an added effect to it. The animation begins with the character just getting off the ground, it gives anticipation (a pose before the main action, making the viewer anticipate something big is going to occur). Whilst the character is in the air, the person still appears to be jumping, this is the follow through. Although the main action is already executed, the characters poses are still on going. Because this action (jumping hurdles) seems very simple, the added motion blur that follows the character gives it an effect that makes it seem exciting. 
C r i t e r i a
*Create blue background
*Create a drop shadow
*Illustrate a person using shapes and paths
*Create a copy of the person, and filter as a motion blur 
T a s k
*Before starting, use: http://bit.ly/1epO8N7 (page 101-102) as a guide.
linear gradient
 going from light (#00CCFF) to dark (#000033). 
*Add a green ground, and a track.
*Create a hurdle, convert to symbol. Copy, paste, and resize.
*Create a person jumping
(use as guide)
*After creating the character, create a new layer for the blur of the character.
Do this by converting the symbol and under properties, filter with
the blur tool. Set and adjust the value.
*Create a black circle, and convert to symbol. Using a filter, make it
 a drop shadow (note: check off hide object). Adjust value.
*Using the oval tool, create white clouds and change the opacity ranging from 30-50%.
Convert clouds to symbol, and set the layer as a motion tween. Slightly
move the clouds to the opposite direction of where the runner is going.
*Save document as an .fla, and export movie as a .mov file.
S C R E E N C A S T   T U T O R I A L
Summative Activity