I've been asked to recreate the Artwork of one of my favorite Albums of all time! WZRD by WZRD (Kid Cudi & Dot Da Genius) as the band's and album's name I was inspired by Ozzy Osbourne's song "The Wizard" Which talks about people waiting for the Wizard (Drug Dealer) who spreads his magic (drugs).
WZRD's magic is music! I Went and re-listened to the album multiple times, I was inspired by songs like "Brake", "Efflictim" how Cudi & Dot touched the concept of death, so I thought of Killing the Wizard in a car accident while his costumers are mourning him. the result came out pretty surrealistic and crazy kind of like how Queen's and Pink Floyd's album covers are. which was the ultimate goal.
The Printed, Framed Artwork.
its currently hanged at WZRD's studio.


Recreation of The WZRD album artwork


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