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Way to find recommendations for your skincare product

UX Design: Way to find recommendations for your daily skincare routine product based on your personal skin with Skintion Mobile App
Hello, my name is Cassia Vera. I would like to share my user experience design for my bachelor's degree thesis research, called Skintion. User experience design this study case using the human-centered design method. This design of my user experience can be accessed on the journal (click here).

With the onset of the pandemic, skincare has become a rapidly growing trend in Indonesia. Due to the limited outdoor activities, people are increasingly taking care of themselves with skincare products. Maarif et al. have highlighted in their research journal that skincare is a crucial procedure that involves using safe ingredients to maintain healthy skin, prevent aging, and address skin-related issues.

Despite the growing popularity of skincare products, many people are still struggling to find the right product that suits their skin type, allergies, age, and other factors. This confusion arises from the plethora of skincare products available in the market. Choosing the wrong product not only leads to new skin problems but also results in wasted money and time spent in search of the right skincare product. Therefore, it is essential to conduct extensive research to identify the ideal skincare product that meets one's unique needs and delivers desired results.

My Design Process
I decided to used the human-centered design method from IDEO because this method can be useful to consider people or target users, ranging from habits, needs, problems, and other human capabilities. So, I also can get more feedback on the process.

Understand the Context of Use

User Research
In the first stage, I did user research using online surveys and interviews. I did an online survey on social media (Instagram) for 24 hours. Then from the online survey result, I categorized people into 2 categories. 
    -  people who used a skincare
    -  people who have not used a skincare
also, I picked 8 persons for each category.

Online Survey
I did an online survey to find out the goals and constraints of skincare users on the selection of skincare products in general. From this online survey, categories of user groups were also obtained for further interview. From 104 respondents, 81 complete data were obtained. The data consisted of 26 men and 55 women.
Respondents who have used skincare choose to use skincare because it is to treat facial skin and overcome facial skin problems. Meanwhile, respondents who never used skincare chose not to use skincare because they didn't understand how to use it, were afraid that it wouldn't suit their skin, and didn't know the products. Some respondents also admitted that skincare products that are not suitable for their skin will be discarded, continue to be used, given to other people, or even resold.

The questions given are adjusted to the respondent's category. From the interview results, it was found that 
respondents who have problems choosing skincare products have difficulty because they still haven't found skincare that really suits them. So even though they already use skincare regularly, the results of using skincare can still cause problems on their facial skin such as breakouts. 

Although most respondents buy skincare products based on recommendations from friends and reviews from beauty vloggers, youtubers, and from social media. They actually don't fully believe the recommendations and reviews they get. Respondents usually continue to do further searches about the skincare products they want to buy, but they do not fully read the details of the ingredients in a skincare product. This is because respondents do not fully understand the ingredients of skincare that can be used together or not. The habit of the respondents is that they only find out about the content to solve their skin problems or will read the product content after making a purchase.

For the results of interviews from respondents who do not use skincare that they know about skincare and its uses. They also often hear bad rumors from skincare users that make them afraid to use skincare. Respondents think that finding out about skincare will take a long time, need to spend a lot of money, and there are too many types of skincare.

I defined two personas from each category. Both personas have their own habits and activities. Athena Putri is a persona who uses skincare products and Risky Mayang who doesn't.

Design and Prototyping

Information Architecture
At this stage, I tested closed card sorting using UXtweak tools to 10 respondents. I tested closed card sorting twice iterations to verify the results of the first iteration. The results of the closed card sorting test can be useful for me to determine the structure of the information on the display page.
Wireframe (Low Fidelity)
In making wireframes, I've used Figma tools. However, in this low fidelity wireframe, colors, images, icons from the application design have not been determined.

Colors & Components
Before Usability Testing:

Evaluate the Design

Testing on the prototype design was carried out in two iterations to 16 respondents.

Usability Testing
Usability testing was carried out on Maze tools and distributing System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaires to respondents. The efficiency aspect of the results of usability testing with the Maze tools, obtained 7 scenarios of tasks that were not successfully completed and 105 tasks were successfully completed by the respondents (the total number of tasks was 112 tasks). If it is a percentage, the efficiency level reaches 93.75%. Then, the effectiveness aspect obtained is 92.83% (with Time Based Efficiency of 0.056 goals/sec).

Then the results of the SUS questionnaire obtained a score of 80.47. This score can be categorized as excellent, acceptable, and gets class A.

User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
In the last UEQ, the benchmark aspect of Attractiveness is 2.28, Perspicuity is 1.80, Efficiency is 2.20, Dependability is 2.11, Stimulation is 2.38, Novelty is 2.09. 
According to Schrepp, if the mean scale on the UEQ benchmark is more than 0.8 then it has a positive evaluation. If the mean scale of each aspect is represented into categories, then the aspects of attractiveness, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, and novelty are included in the excellent category. Meanwhile, the perspicuity aspect is included in the good category.

Diphiperidine, C., Tolle, H., & Rokhmawati, R. Perancangan Pengalaman Pengguna Aplikasi Rekomendasi Produk Skincare berbasis Mobile menggunakan Metode Human Centered Design. Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 499-508, jan. 2022. ISSN 2548-964X. Available in: <>

Maarif, V., Nur, H. M. dan Septianisa, T. A. (2019) “Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Skincare Yang Sesuai Dengan Jenis Kulit Wajah Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy,” EVOLUSI : Jurnal Sains dan Manajemen, 7(2), hal. 73–80. doi: 10.31294/evolusi.v7i2.6755.

Schrepp, M. (2019) “User Experience Questionnaire Handbook Version 8.”, hal. 1–15. Tersedia pada:

Way to find recommendations for your skincare product

Way to find recommendations for your skincare product
